

Car Logos: How Visual Identity Can Complement Brand Names - Lexicon Branding

Car Logos: How Visual Identity Can Complement Brand Names - Lexicon Branding

As an exclusively verbal branding agency, Lexicon usually refrains from commenting on the topic of visual identity. But in some cases, design has an interesting parallel with brand naming: the basic forms used in a brand’s logo can communicate beneath the surface in the same way that the sounds and structure of a brand name can. For […]

How to Choose a Color for Your Logo: The Ultimate Cheat Sheet

Car Brand Classification using Deep Learning

What Is Brand Personality & How to Define Yours

logo evolution

Brand - Wikipedia

French Car Brands: The Ultimate List Of French Car Logos

100 Famous Brand Logos From The Most Valuable Companies of 2020

How To Create A Strong Visual Identity: The Foundation Of Your Brand's Success

What is graphic design? With examples for beginners

What's driving so many car brands to update their identity? - Design Week

Car Logos: How Visual Identity Can Complement Brand Names - Lexicon Branding

Color psychology: The logo color tricks used by top brands & how to DIY

70+ Brand Guidelines Templates, Examples & Tips - Venngage